Prayer Watching

During a workout on the beach recently I had several thoughts come together on prayer in an unexpected way.  It’s well-known that there’s something magestic in watching dolphins be themselves when you have the time and opportunity.  It reminded me of a few truths related to our prayer lives
  1. Just because you know it’s there doesn’t mean you now where it will be seen next.  I tried to time the patterns of those I watched assuming intervals and directions would be fairly consistent.  At times this was the case but often times they were nowhere to be found.  God’s timetable and our own are often not the same.  As frustrating as this is, it makes the time’s we do see His work that much more special.
  2. Expect something big when you least expect it.  While most of the time is spent seeing just a fin or occasional tail slap, sometimes, you get a full jump.  You have to be looking for it.  God can take a prayer you haven’t seen answered for so long you’ve stopped asking and show you it was never off His radar.
  3. It’s easier to see when you’re not by yourself.  9 of 10 times I see them either with a partner or in a group..  Sharing our prayers with others gives us strength.
There are more that I could share but that’s enough for now.  Hope you can enjoy this perspective the next time you’re blessed with this experience.

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